Remember what it was like to be a child? Running around without a care in the world? David Rose uses a mix of painting, illustration, and print techniques to “create stuff” with the mindset of a child, but the sophisticated-ness of an artist. This is not David’s first show at Designbox… check out some of the past shows he has …
The Art of Hellcar
Opening up the gallery for 2005, Designbox is pleased to have our own Paul Friedrich curate a show comprised of 10 talented comic artists known for their work in HELLCAR. HELLCAR is a nationally distributed comic book magazine featuring the greatest cartoon talent in America. “The Art of HELLCAR” will feature original artwork and animation by the artists based on …
Art Imitating Life Imitating Art
Paul Friedrich and David Rose present joint works including portrayals of real events that incorporated their own characters and stories in the human world.