The First Friday in November has become a tradition of featuring the artwork of Designbox member, Paul Friedrich. We are excited to be able to continue that tradition this year. From urban art on skateboards to a cartoonist’s version of a beach scene to art and books about the enjoyment of drinking, this years show is all Paul all the …
VIDEO: All You’ve Got To Do Is Fall in Love
Designbox members, Paul Friedrich & Jon Williams, have collaborated to make a SWEET video perfect for sharing with your honey, co-worker, art-enthusiast, Benji Hughes fan, and EVERYONE else!
FF Nov 5: Hundred Fifty Twenty Ten
We’re excited to show new works by Paul Friedrich, creator of Onion Head Monster and the Carolina Hurricanes’ Stormy’s Cup. For the month of November see some of Paul’s awesome comic strips and animation for his Hundred Fifty Twenty Ten show. Most of Paul’s works will be available for $100, $50, $20, $10 and you can read more about Paul …