FF Sept 3: Bad Ads

works by Paul Friedrich, Adam Capps, Chris Norris, Marx Myth
Reception on First Friday September 3, 2010 from 7–10pm
Sept 3–Sept 24

Show continues through September 24th at Designbox weekdays 12p-6p
in our gallery at 323 West Martin Street

Bad Ads
works by Paul Friedrich, Adam Capps, Chris Norris, Marx Myth

Bad Ads” will feature art inspired by ads ranging from the turn of the
century to the 1960s. The idea is to pick a ridiculous, but realistic
sounding product (eg, Tom’s Mercury Ointment) and create a vintage ad for it,
recreating irony-free,exactly how it would have looked in a magazine
(Life, Saturday Evening Post) or Newspaper.

Curated by Paul Friedrich [db] and Adam Capps

For questions, comments or additional details,
please contact Adam Capps

The Designbox Gallery is dedicated to promoting the expression of creative and collaborative work. It is home to a number of creative professionals and is located at 323 W. Martin Street (between Harrington and Dawson streets), near Humble Pie. We’re open weekdays from 10am to 6pm, and on most First Fridays. Let us know if you want to be added to our e-mail list.

323 West Martin Street, Raleigh.

Designbox is normally open 10-6 weekdays or by appointmen