Aly Khalifa attended the IDSA Southern Chapter Conference in Atlanta to present how designers can embrace their community to create sustainable relationships. Khalifa also took part in a panel discussion focused on globalization and the impact designers can have on the changing nature of manufacturing.
Aly Khalifa featured at IDSA Conference
Aly presented “The future of professional creativity and the rise of the creative consortium” at the IDSA Southeast Conference in Memphis TN. On the following day, Khalifa lead an all day workshop on creative techniques. Becky Shankle [db] assisted in facilitating the group to generate their most creative ideas for products and services in international shipping.
Khalifas lecture in Education City, Qatar
Aly & Beth Khalifa gave a week-long series of lectures and workshops in late December to discuss creativity and professional development in product and graphic design. The Khalifas visited with numerous design classes in Education City at the satellite campus of Virginia Commonwealth University located in Doha, Qatar. Press Release.
Aly Khalifa gets creative with MBA program
The NC State College of Management had Aly come in to work with their MBA students and teach techniques in creativity. Together they focused on domestic manufacturing using the Creative Consensus technique.
Aly Khalifa Presents a ‘Softer Vision’ at SXSW
As part of the joint event between South by SouthWest (SXSW) and The Industrial Designer’s Society of America (IDSA), Khalifa joined three other speakers in the presentation of “Sense and Substance” to this creative audience in Austin, Texas. His presentation focused on the incorporation of textiles into everyday product design.
Aly Khalifa Leads Panel Discussion at the SportsLab Show
Imagine being able to race via internet with a friend in another hemisphere – each of you on your own treadmill – seeing and hearing the competition all around you. Now imagine seeing both of your images racing live at the Olympics with world-class sprinters.It is only a matter of time until we take fitness and games and unite them …